6 Tips For Making Animated Marketing Videos That Engage Customers

In today’s digital age, video marketing has become an increasingly popular and effective way for businesses to engage with their customers. One type of video that can be particularly effective for this purpose is the animated marketing video.

These types of videos allow businesses to visually communicate their message in a creative and eye-catching way. However, creating an animated marketing video that truly engages customers is no easy task. It requires careful planning, attention to detail, and a clear understanding of what makes a video compelling.

In this article, we will share some tips for making animated marketing videos that engage customers and help your business stand out in a crowded market. From choosing the right animation style to crafting a compelling story, these tips will help you create engaging and effective animated marketing videos that connect with your audience.


#1. Identifying and Understanding Your Target Audience

Defining your target audience is crucial when it comes to creating an animated marketing video that truly engages customers. By identifying and understanding your target audience, you can tailor your message and animation style to better appeal to their needs, interests, and preferences. This can help ensure that your video resonates with your audience and effectively communicates your message.

There are several factors to consider when defining your target audience for an animated marketing video. These may include:

●      Age

Different age groups may have different preferences when it comes to animation style and content. For example, a younger audience may be more interested in fast-paced, action-packed animation, while an older audience may prefer something more subtle and refined.

●      Gender

Men and women may have different preferences when it comes to the types of animated marketing videos they find appealing. Understanding your audience’s gender can help you tailor your message and animation style accordingly.

●      Location

Depending on where your audience is located, they may have different cultural backgrounds and preferences. This can impact the types of animation styles and messages that will resonate with them.

●      Interests

Knowing what your audience is interested in can help you create a video that speaks to their passions and values. This can help make your video more engaging and relevant to your target audience.

●      Pain points

Understanding the challenges and problems your audience is facing can help you create a video that addresses their needs and offers solutions. This can make your video more valuable and relevant to your target audience.

#2. Choosing The Right Animation Style

Choosing the right animation style is an important consideration when it comes to creating an animated marketing video that engages customers. The right animation style can help you effectively communicate your message and capture the attention of your audience. It can also help set the tone and feel of your video, and make it more appealing and memorable to your audience.

There are several different animation styles to choose from, each with its own unique look and feel. Some popular styles include:

●      2D Animation

This style is often used for traditional, hand-drawn style animation, and can be a good choice for videos that are meant to be fun and lighthearted.

●      3D Animation

This style of animation can be used to create more realistic, lifelike characters and environments, and can be a good choice for videos that are meant to be more serious or informative.

●      Whiteboard Animation

This style involves creating an animated video in which the characters and backgrounds are drawn on a whiteboard as the video progresses. Whiteboard animation can be a good choice for videos that are meant to be educational or instructional, as it can help illustrate complex concepts in a visually appealing way.

●      Motion Graphics

This style involves creating animated graphics and text that are used to illustrate a message or concept. Motion graphics can be a good choice for videos that are meant to be more informational or data-driven, as they can help convey information in a visually appealing way.

#3. Creating a Compelling Story

A strong story can help capture the viewer’s attention, keep them interested, and make your video more memorable. It can also help convey your message in a way that is more engaging and relatable to your audience.

So, how do you create a compelling story for your animated marketing video? Here are a few tips:

●      Start With a Clear Purpose

What is the main message or idea you want to convey with your video? Make sure to define this upfront so that you can focus on creating a story that supports it.

●      Introduce Interesting Characters

Whether it’s a single protagonist or a group of characters, make sure to include people in your story that the viewer can relate to and root for. This can help make your video more engaging and memorable.

●      Use Conflict & Resolution

A story that has a clear beginning, middle, and end is more likely to keep the viewer’s attention. Consider introducing some sort of conflict or problem in the middle of your story that your main character must overcome in order to achieve their goal. We have always seen this in our favorite cartoons such as Tom & Jerry and SpongeBob.

●      Keep It Short & Sweet

While it’s important to have a clear and compelling story, you don’t want your video to be too long and lose the viewer’s attention. Aim for a story that can be conveyed in two minutes or less.

#4. Include a Strong Call-To-Action

Including a CTA in your animated marketing video is important because it helps turn passive viewers into active, engaged customers. Without a CTA, viewers may simply watch your video and then move on to something else, without taking any further action. By including a clear and compelling CTA, you can encourage viewers to take the next step and engage with your business.

There are several factors to consider when crafting a CTA for your animated marketing video:

●      Make It Clear & Specific

Your CTA should be easy to understand and clearly convey what you want the viewer to do. Avoid vague or confusing language, and be specific about the action you want the viewer to take.

●      Make It Relevant & Valuable

Your CTA should be relevant to the content of your video and offer value to the viewer. If you’re promoting a product or service, make sure to highlight the benefits and explain why it’s worth taking the time to learn more.

●      Use Actionable Language

 Use language that encourages the viewer to take action, such as “Sign up now” or “Learn more.” Avoid passive language that doesn’t inspire the viewer to take action.

●      Include a Sense of Urgency

If you want the viewer to take action right away, consider including a sense of urgency in your CTA. This could be something like “Sign up now before spots fill up” or “Order now and receive a special discount.”

#5. Promote Your Video

Once you have made your animated marketing video after all the hustle and bustle, it’s time for it to yield remarkable results for you. One way to do it is by promoting it on social media or to your email list. Promoting your animated marketing video on social media and other platforms is important for a number of reasons:

●      Increased Visibility & Targeted Reach

By promoting your video on social media and other platforms, you can increase the chances that it will be seen by a large number of people. This can help raise awareness of your brand and message and potentially lead to more conversions.

Most importantly, many social media platforms and other platforms offer target options that allow you to reach specific demographics or interests. This can help ensure that your video is seen by your ideal customers who are most likely to be interested in your message.

●      Engagement & Conversions

By promoting your video on social media and other platforms, you can encourage people to engage with your content and take some sort of action, whether it’s visiting your website, signing up for a newsletter, or making a purchase. This can help drive conversions and generate leads for your business.

●      SEO Benefits

Promoting your video on social media and other platforms can also help improve your search engine rankings. When your video is shared and liked on social media, it can generate backlinks to your website, which can help improve your website’s authority and visibility in search engine results.

#6. Keep an Eye on The Performance of Your Video

Tracking the performance of your animated marketing video can be useful in a number of ways. Here are a few examples:

●      Measuring Effectiveness

By tracking the performance of your marketing video, you can determine how well it is performing in terms of reaching and engaging your target audience. This can help you to identify any areas for improvement, such as making the video more visually appealing or adjusting the length to better fit your audience’s attention span.

●      Identifying Key Metrics

By tracking specific metrics, such as view counts, engagement (e.g. likes, comments, shares), and conversion rates, you can get a sense of how well your marketing video is resonating with your audience. This can help you to understand what is and isn’t working, and make informed decisions about future marketing efforts.

●      Improving Targeting

By analyzing the data collected through video performance tracking, you can gain insights into the demographics and interests of your audience. This can help you to better target your marketing efforts and create more relevant and effective content.

●      Optimizing For Success

By tracking the performance of your marketing video over time, you can identify trends and patterns that can help you to optimize your marketing strategy for success. For example, you might discover that certain types of content or calls to action are more effective than others, or that certain times of day or platforms are more effective for reaching your target audience. By leveraging this data, you can make informed decisions about how to best allocate your marketing resources and achieve your business goals.

Final Thoughts

By following the tips outlined in this article, you can create high-quality, engaging animated videos that effectively communicate your message and drive business results.

Here’s a bonus tip;

Make sure that you are using good music in your animated video as it can be a powerful tool to set the tone, add depth and emotion to the content, and engage the audience. By choosing music that aligns with your brand values and message, you can help to reinforce your brand identity and create a more cohesive and effective marketing message.

Now you know the ingredients needed to make a successful animated marketing video. So make sure to use them effectively to engage your customers and establish iron-clad credibility for your business.